Check Out One of Our Newest Glycerin Bongs – 16 Inch Glycerin with Inline Percolator
Ripping with a glycerin bong and the inline perc in this piece makes for a great smoking sesh! A glycerin coil is essentially there to cool down the smoke before you inhale. And with the color coordinated inline perc, each hit is super smooth.
Remember – You gotta put the glycerin coil in the freezer for a few hours and then attach it to your bong to make sure the smoke is nice and smooth–it’s much easier than filling up your bong with ice cubes or placing the whole thing in the freezer (DON’T place the whole bong in the freezer, it could crack…..just the glycerin piece)
There’s nothing quite like ripping from one of these glycerin coil bongs, and if you haven’t tried it yet, make sure it’s on your bucket list!